As of version 1.1, FPC supports interfaces. Interfaces are an alternative to multiple inheritance (where a class can have multiple parent classes) as implemented for instance in C++. An interface is basically a named set of methods and properties: a class that implements the interface provides all the methods as they are enumerated in the Interface definition. It is not possible for a class to implement only part of the interface: it is all or nothing.
Interfaces can also be ordered in a hierarchy, exactly as classes: an interface definition that inherits from another interface definition contains all the methods from the parent interface, as well as the methods explicitly named in the interface definition. A class implementing an interface must then implement all members of the interface as well as the methods of the parent interface(s).
An interface can be uniquely identified by a GUID. GUID is an acronym for Globally Unique Identifier, a 128-bit integer guaranteed always to be unique1. Especially on Windows systems, the GUID of an interface can and must be used when using COM.
The definition of an Interface has the following form:
Interface type
Along with this definition the following must be noted:
Interfaces can only be used in DELPHI mode or in OBJFPC mode.
There are no visibility specifiers. All members are public (indeed, it would make little sense to make them private or protected).
The properties declared in an interface can only have methods as read and write specifiers.
There are no constructors or destructors. Instances of interfaces cannot be created directly: instead, an instance of a class implementing the interface must be created.
Only calling convention modifiers may be present in the definition of a method. Modifiers as virtual, abstract or dynamic, and hence also override cannot be present in the interface definition.
The following are examples of interfaces:
IUnknown = interface ['{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'] function QueryInterface(const iid : tguid;out obj) : longint; function _AddRef : longint; function _Release : longint; end; IInterface = IUnknown; IMyInterface = Interface Function MyFunc : Integer; Function MySecondFunc : Integer; end;
As can be seen, the GUID identifying the interface is optional.
1In theory, of course.