It should be stressed that all identifiers other than the template placeholders should be known when the generic class is declared. At the same time, nothing can be assumed about the template type (unless a restriction is placed on it).
This works in several ways.
In the absence of type restrictions, the generic code cannot make assumptions about the template type T. Consider the following unit:
unit ts; interface {$modeswitch advancedrecords} type PListEl = ^TListEl; TListEl = packed record Prev, Next: PListEl; end; implementation type generic LstEnumerator<T> = record private lst, lst_save: T; public constructor Create(const Value: T); function MoveNext: boolean; end; function LstEnumerator.MoveNext: boolean; begin Result:=lst <> nil; if Result then lst:=lst^.next; end; constructor LstEnumerator.Create(const Value: T); begin lst:= Value; lst_save := nil; end; Type TMyListEnum = specialize LstEnumerator<TListEl>; end.
The compiler will throw an error because when it compiles the generic definition, it cannot verify that
is correct. lst is of type T, but the compiler does not (yet) know what T is, and hence cannot know it has a field next.
This problem can be solved with type restrictions:
unit ts; {$mode delphi} interface type TListEl = class Prev, Next: TListEl; end; TMyRecord1 = Class(TListEl) MyField : String; end; TMyRecord2 = Class(TListEl) MyInteger : Integer; end; implementation type TLstEnumerator<T : TListEl> = class private lst, lst_save: T; public constructor Create(const Value: T); function MoveNext: boolean; end; function TLstEnumerator<T>.MoveNext: boolean; begin Result:=lst <> T(nil); if Result then lst:=T(; end; constructor TLstEnumerator<t>.Create(const Value: T); begin lst:= Value; lst_save := T(nil); end; Type TMyRecord1Enum = TLstEnumerator<TMyRecord1>; TMyRecord2Enum = TLstEnumerator<TMyRecord2>;
Here, the compiler knows that lst is at least of type TListEl, and hence contains members Prev and Next.
Beside the template type, all other types used in the generic declaration must be known. This means that a type identifier with the same name must exist. The following unit will produce an error:
{$mode objfpc} unit myunit; interface type Generic TMyClass<T> = Class(TObject) Procedure DoSomething(A : T; B : TSomeType); end; Type TSomeType = Integer; TSomeTypeClass = specialize TMyClass<TSomeType>; Implementation Procedure TMyClass.DoSomething(A : T; B : TSomeType); begin // Some code. end; end.
The above code will result in an error, because the type TSomeType is not known when the declaration is parsed:
home: >fpc myunit.pp myunit.pp(8,47) Error: Identifier not found "TSomeType" myunit.pp(11,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
A second way in which this is visible, is the following. Assume a unit
{$mode objfpc} unit mya; interface type Generic TMyClass<T> = Class(TObject) Procedure DoSomething(A : T); end; Implementation Procedure DoLocalThings; begin Writeln('mya.DoLocalThings'); end; Procedure TMyClass.DoSomething(A : T); begin DoLocalThings; end; end.
The compiler will not allow to compile this unit, since the DoLocalThings function will not be visible when the generic type is specialized:
Error: Global Generic template references static symtable
Now, if the unit is modified, and the DoLocalThings function is moved to the interface section, the unit will compile. When using this generic in a program:
{$mode objfpc} program myb; uses mya; procedure DoLocalThings; begin Writeln('myb.DoLocalThings'); end; Type TB = specialize TMyClass<Integer>; Var B : TB; begin B:=TB.Create; B.DoSomething(1); end.
Despite the fact that generics act as a macro which is replayed at specialization time, the reference to DoLocalThings is resolved when TMyClass is defined, not when TB is defined. This means that the output of the program is:
home: >fpc -S2 myb.pp home: >myb mya.DoLocalThings
This behavior is dictated by safety and necessity:
A programmer specializing a class has no way of knowing which local procedures are used, so he cannot accidentally “override” it.
A programmer specializing a class has no way of knowing which local procedures are used, so he cannot implement it either, since he does not know the parameters.
If implementation procedures are used as in the example above, they cannot be referenced from outside the unit. They could be in another unit altogether, and the programmer has no way of knowing he should include them before specializing his class.